Firmenich - Newark, New Jersey
Energy Savings Case Study
Firmenich is an ingredient food and fragrance chemical company based in Geneva, Switzerland, with plants located around the world. Firmenich employs over 6,000 people and has annual sales of over 3 billion dollars. Understanding the need to reduce their energy costs, while also increasing their electrical efficiency standards, drove them to undertake an energy efficiency project with Energy Automation Systems at their Newark, New Jersey Ingredients facility. It was important for them to do this without any major interruptions to their daily manufacturing operations.
Subject Information
Facility: Firmenich - Newark, NJ
Facility Type: Chemical Manufacturing
Facility Size: 833,000 sq. ft.
Savings Analysis
Monthly Savings
Payback Period
29.5 months
20.7 months
Technology Used
EASI Liners, PowerLiners, Lighting Upgrades

Annual Environmental Benefits
1,648,240 lbs CO2
614 barrels of oil
465 tons of coal
12,455 lbs of SO2
Equivalent to removing 156 vehicles
Additional Benefits
Improved lighting quality
Standardized lighting
No special training or employee involvement
Increased electrical capacity
"The planning was very thorough, and the execution was flawless."
Plant Engineer, Mondelez International

Energy Integrated Solutions, Inc. (EIS)
1040 Boulevard SE, Suite D
Atlanta, GA 30312 USA